Friday, August 17, 2018

I don't think there's a perfect song, I always get bored of them at certain point. Anyway there are some that are really special and mark something inside you for a long time, even when haven't listened them.

I couldn't talk about one single song I love.

After thinking a lot, I have made my decision. It's a song that I haven't listened in a long time, but it really meant a lot for me in a long time, and I had a lot of special moments with it. It's "Weird fishes/Arpeggi.

This song is almost perfect, the way it grows and gets into a big atmosphere, so simple but so expressive at the same time, with a lot of little sounds behind. It made me realize how much I like background string guitars making little sounds to make together beautiful melodies, crossing ones with the others, and almost confusing you but not being the central thing to pay attention in the song.

It was really hard to choose, and I don't think it's my favorite song, even less a perfect song, but Weird Fishes is something my ears will never forget.

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I don't think there's a perfect song, I always get bored of them at certain point. Anyway there are some that are really special and...